Vision and Goals

Watertown for All Ages is inspired by the AARP/World Health Organization “Age-Friendly Communities” initiative. Our goal is to coordinate the creation and implementation of an Age-Friendly Action Plan for the town of Watertown.
WAA envisions Watertown as an age-friendly community that enables people of all ages to actively participate in community activities, treats everyone with respect, makes it easy to stay connected to others, helps people stay healthy and active even at the oldest ages, and helps those who can no longer look after themselves to live with dignity and enjoyment.
To achieve these goals WAA will:
- Engage a group of public and private stakeholders to guide efforts at making Watertown more age-friendly;
- Assess the needs and experiences of older adults who want to remain in, and contribute to the life of, Watertown;
- Assess current town services, policies and initiatives that contribute to making Watertown livable for older adults;
- Coordinate the creation of an Age-Friendly Action Plan to address the components of an age-friendly community of most interest and concern to Watertown residents; and
- Monitor and promote the implementation of the Plan.