Support for Watertown For All Ages
Watertown for All Ages seeks grant funding and charitable donations for projects designed to address community needs and priorities directed toward meeting the AARP/World Health Organization criteria for Age-Friendly Communities.

Watertown for All Ages received grants in 2018 and 2019 from the Tufts Health Plan Foundation, the Watertown Community Foundation, and the Marshall Home Fund for a project titled “Watertown for All Ages Transportation Initiative for Seniors” (WAA-TIS), to address older residents’ needs for accessible, affordable, flexible and convenient transportation.
We are grateful for a donation from Watertown Savings Bank, which provided support for the development and maintenance of this website.
Grants for specific projects cover only a portion of the organization’s expenses. Please help support the work of Watertown for All Ages with a financial donation.
Watertown for All Ages is a non-profit
501(c) (3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
By check: Please make checks payable to “Watertown for All Ages” and mail to WAA Treasurer, 71 Barnard Avenue, Watertown, MA 02472.
By credit card: Please click the DONATE button below to make a secure payment using PayPal.