History of Watertown For All Ages

Background: “WatertownTogether” was an effort started by a group of citizens in 2012 for the purpose of ensuring that Watertown would prepare to meet the challenges and embrace the contributions of older adults who choose to age in place. We worked with town agencies and other organizations to conduct a small survey and focus groups in order to explore one particular model of supporting aging in place.
In 2015, WatertownTogether expanded its mission and became Watertown for All Ages (WAA), to be inclusive of all generations, with an emphasis on the needs and desires of older residents.
Watertown for All Ages, in collaboration with others, has organized a series of public forums and educational events on topics of particular interest to older adults in Watertown (see list below). With the support of the AARP, and in collaboration with the Watertown Council on Aging/Senior Center, WAA commissioned the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston to conduct a “listening session” to learn more about community concerns related to aging-in-place and write a report titled “Envisioning a Watertown for All Ages.”

WAA has collaborated with numerous agencies and organizations to develop and sponsor programs and events.
(See list of events below.)
WAA has worked closely with:
- Gerontology Institute at University of Massachusetts, Boston
- Live Well Watertown
- Marshall Home Fund
- MetroWest Collaborative Development
- Mount Auburn Hospital
- Springwell
- Tufts Health Plan Foundation
- Watertown Community Foundation
- Watertown Council on Aging & Senior Center
- Watertown Health Department
- Watertown Housing Authority
- Watertown Planning Department
Community Programs and Forums sponsored by Watertown Together and Watertown for All Ages
March, 2013
“Aging in Place” – A Presentation of the “Village” Model
Judy Willett, Beacon Hill Village
May, 2014
“What is Healthy Aging?
Using Data to Look at Healthy Aging in Watertown”
Massachusetts Healthy Aging Consortium,
Ruth Palombo, Tufts Health Plan Foundation
November, 2014
“Age Friendly Communities”
Brookline Community Aging Network, Ethos Age-Well initiatives
March, 2015
“Vibrant Aging”
MIT Age Lab
June, 2015
“Blue Zones Around the World” – “Live Longer, Better, Healthier: Lessons from Communities Where People Live the Longest”
November, 2015
“Shaping an Age-Friendly Community for All Ages”
AARP & University of Mass Boston, Gerontology Institute
March, 2016
Town Council Human Services Meeting
“Help Shape the Future of Programs & Services for Older Adults in Watertown”
May, 2017
“Aging Well in Watertown” Housing Forum
November, 2017
Age-Friendly “Listening Session” / Community Forum to gather data for the development of a report by the University of Massachusetts Boston, Gerontology Institute: “Envisioning a Watertown for All Ages”